
It’s our people who make the difference

A business is a living environment and at Voltam we strongly encourage initiatives that contribute to improving the quality of life at work. Our employees have grouped together by area of ​​interest in order to contribute to this improvement.

Onboarding of employees

This committee is composed of dynamic and passionate members who are in charge of establishing a complete and mobilizing welcome for our new employees.


This committee manages our website, our social networks as well as written and verbal communications. It ensures the consistency of the message that is conveyed by our organization through our various communication tools.


Ce comité s’assure de souligner l’apport de chacun par le biais d’activités, d’événements, sourire de Voltam etc. Les objectifs poursuivis sont de contribuer au renforcement du sentiment d’appartenance, mobiliser, encourager les comportements désirés, maintenir le bon moral des employés et soutenir la mission et les valeurs de l’entreprise.

Social activities

This committee organizes the company’s activities in order to create opportunities to get to know colleagues better and to strengthen the sense of belonging. Our social club contributes positively to our integration and our social life at Voltam.


This committee is responsible for proposing and implementing environmental projects in order to reduce the company’s ecological footprint. Their actions also contribute to the awareness of all Voltam employees.